2007年11月19日 星期一

A Grateful Letter in Thanksgiving.

The Thanksgiving Show in Focus.
Thanksgiving is a traditional holiday in US to give thanks .
It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of Nov. in the US.
(In canada in Oct somewhere?)
People gather together with their families or friends, have
some great foods and give thanks.Thanksgiving meals are
traditionally family events where certain kinds of food
are served, take turkey, for example.

Turkey is the featured item in most Thanksgiving feasts,
that’s why sometimes Thanksgiving is referred to as
“Turkey Day”. Claire said that we can help her to prepare
the turkey this year…(you know, we have to stuff the turkey
with a cereal-based stuffing and roasted it).I think we are
going to have a lot of fun then.
Of course there are still many other traditional foods for
thanksgiving, such as sweet ppotatoes, corns, rolls and
pumpkin pie, of course. Often guests bring food items or
help with cooking in the kitchen as part of a communal meal.

In keeping with the holiday theme of giving thanks, during
the socializing or meal, people talk about what they are
thankful for or tell about experiences during thepast year
which have caused them to feel grateful.

Therefore I wanna giving thanks to my parents first, thanks
to them for supporting all my education and all my life in US ,
because of them, I do not have to worry about making money
and can focus all my mind on studies or wonderful student life.
Second, I wanna saying thanks to my grandma for encouraging
me seek my own dream, because of her I know that I do not
have to regret or feel sorry for all the mistakes I have made
before, they were all gone.
Third, I wanna sending the thanks to my friends in Taiwan
and in US, because of them, I do not feel lonely anymore,
they make my life colorful and wonderful…
Thanks a lot, Jessica, Freda, Becky and Joyce…
Thanks to Claire and Russ and Sally and all the others friends
from Focus and PSU, you guys make Portland like my home
town and you are all my families..

Last but not least, I am grateful to God for giving me such
a healthy body and mind so that I can adapt the whole new
life in US in a very short time, thanks for God to bring all
the friends to me here. God make my regular life remarkable
and I really appreciate his kindness.
May all of you have a nice Thanksgiving, amen. ^_^