2007年11月23日 星期五

Moonlight madness Sale at WoodBurn.

After the wonderful tanksgiving night, Willy and I
drove to Woodburn store cneter for the midnight shopping directly,
on the way to woodburn we just had a bad forefeel
cause there were "TOO MUCH" cars on the high way in the midnight!
We arrived there about 15 mins before midnight,
there were already lots of person lined up in front of the stores...
I can't believe that there were so many nighthawk here in US
for the Moonlight madness Sale...
Yes,it is sheer madness for us to do it...XDDD
I had no idea if the price the night is really great or not,
I just felt ..wow....lots of people everywhere!
I can not enjoy my shopping time cause it's so crowded there,
Can you stand if you have to line up for couple of
hours to check out? I can't cause I am not that young anymore.lol
Our second point is a electrical appliance store...
(I can't remenber the name cause I almost tired out then..)
We went back to PSU at 8:00 in the morning...
I just bought some clothes and an experience that
"I won't go to midnight shopping again!!It's almost kill me!"

But Thank you Willy for taking me with you, anyway.