2007年11月11日 星期日


We had a very rush super cool Seattle DAY trip today!
Somebody just warned me that it’s very very tired to
take such a one day trip to Seattle. However, we did have
"a large number" of fun and enjoyed ourselves even if
we were too tired to talk on our way back!

Thax for dear Russ again! You are our SUPER STAR
that every one wanna taking pics with You!

And Thax for all the others that showed us around
the beautiful Seattle city.
(Actually Portland city is much more beautiful.XDD)
This Pic looks like a Movie Poster Right?XDD
DUB:"We are friends of this life"
On the Smith Tower,
which is one of the highest building in the world.

The view there...is ..wow...
really wonderful.
I took a lot of pics there.
On the street.
On the Monorail station.

After a whole day walk,I felt tired(and looks tired)
but really happy in the super beautiful sunset there.

Another Movie Poster.XDDD

The streets:
Seattle is a beautiful city, of course,
with beautiful streets and beautiful seaside.
However, I supposed the city stands on hills with a lot of slope,
some of them are really steep and Becky almost tumbled over
and further we have to pay extra taxes in WA
therefore I still prefer the Portland City.

actually we were very lucky today cause it's sunny day!
China Town China TOwn everywhere.XD

We enjoyed our lunch at Salmon Cooker,
a very "Sunny" resturant.
It's the first time I had lunch under the sunshine!!!
XDD Do not do it to me again plz!!!(Amy cried!)
However,the seafoods there are great!What we had..
Amy: Salmon and Caesar Salad
Jessica: Vegetable Burger
Freda: Salmon sandwich + Potatos
Becky: Cheese Burger
(Jessica is a vegetarian...but...
Why Becky ate Cheese Burger at seafood resturant?)

Smith Tower:

after lunch, Russ said:"The weather is good so
Let's go to Smith Tower first,
after that we can have some icecream!"
(Russ ate his words!!!We did not have iceream after all!)
Freda found that "TAIPEI 101" is on the list!
We should be very pround.XDD

We took elevator to the top.The prospect from the balcony
was breathtaking.I took millions of pics there.

we went to Pike Place Market after
hiking out the China Town.
Both man and cats here have to make money their own.

We have decided to visit the market again next time.

The very first STARBUCKS in the world:

My reading teacher Tao told me that she do not like STARBUCKS
at all cause everything inside is very expensive,
and her friends always call it “FOUR BUCKS” out of
you have to spend more than four dollars every time you visit it.
BTW,Becky bought a vanti(Super Big) size ice Mocha in
another StarBucks. Everybody Looked at her drink and slavered…
She didn't wanna sharing with us then had a stomachache
as she back because of she didn't have dinner
but drank a lot of Coffee. Therefore the story of Becky
tells us that do not have super size Coffee along
(You have to share with your friends).XDDD

Kidding Kidding, actually we all putted our straws
into her ice mocha.XDD
I bought a logo Mug back.I love it!
I showed my Oregon ID as I paid for it for avoding taxes charging,
The guy behind me said:"You come from Oregon?...
It's really a wonderful place to stay..You are so lucky"XDDD

Space Needle: We visited the Gift Shop there Only.XDD

I know that one day trip is too rush to experience
the whole city,nevertheless,
we still enjoyed our time with each others
and felt very tired but super happy on the way back.
Maybe next time we will stay overnight there and
have a longer trip together.^^