2007年11月4日 星期日

Potluck Party in Freda's place.

All the menbers tonight.
(Including TACO and RACO.)
It's really a wonderful day today!
We went to Freda's place and did have a lot of fun there,
It's a super happy day.
Thax Freda,thax Claire and Russ and all the people there,
this is the kind of party what I enjoy,
I do not like those with Rock music and flashed rays and..
well...cheerleader there.XDD
(If u have no idea of what cheerleader means,
plz take a look of of the Hall0yween Party in PSU.)

During the dinner,
What was Becky doing?XDD

Making dumplings
With RACO and Ross.
With my Chinese and Japanese friends here.

Making tea eggs and slicing the bread then.
Thax for Ross, the host of this Potluck Party drove
us there and took us home at the midnight.
Their house is really very very lovely with
lots of pics of international students on the wall.
also with such a lovely grate.
Well...a kind of costume for Halloween...
We did enjoy our time right?XDD

We made the dumplings ourselves...
Yes, u arrived there before PM3:00 therefore
we had lots time for preparing the foods.
It's really funny to make them ourselves!
Claire took the pic for us.

We still prepared lots of Chinese foods.
(Freda bought them in Asian store nearby.)
All the guests there brought(made) some foods of their own country,
Mark even baked a banana cake humself!
Freda and Becky.
Jessica and ....sorry I forget the name of the guy.XDD
Micro and ...Ialomcn(?).
Losts of wonderful foods.
It looks better than the buffet in the Resturant right?
Take a look of our dumplings..it's great!
I like those chicken a lot.
lovely Desserts.(Chinese dessert!It's Freda's idea!XD)
I am totally willing to get fat for those.XD
After the dinner we played some games,
as the same time China guys started
to discuss the political issue of China and Taiwan.XDD
OMG, plz give me a break XDD..we r in US now right,
how about changing the topic to BUSH?
I think one of the game is really intersting,
maybe next time we can play again.

Thax again, Freda,Claire and Ross and all my friends there,
I did enjoy the time we spending together.